Justin Chronicles

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Tuesday, May 27, 2003
What a nice weekend. First, I got contacts!!! Putting them in is quite the experience. I was late to church by like 20 minutes. And I think I look funny, for I'm not used to my appearnace without glasses. So I just skipped service and went to the kitchen to help cook. Now that I'm 18, the elders aren't as reluctant to let me fry some rice on a wok over a huge fire. It's hard stuff though, because after one batch of it my wrists were crazy tired. I don't know how the regulars do it.

Pool party at June's house was so-so. Just a lot of guys dunking everyone, and I was too unsure with my contacts what I could do, so I wasn't as active as everyone else. I did end up hitting Ericka square on the head with a waterbomb. Haha, I was a ways off from the pool, and I launched a high-archer. She didn't know who hit her, all she saw was Johnny and I grinning like fools and looking at each other. Johnny got blamed for it, but its all good. It's almost too bad she didn't make a bigger deal about it.

Dance was okay. I think all the seniors are finally realizing that we’re going off on our own separate ways soon. There were several groups of two who had their own extended periods of closeness, most noticeable were Albert/Julie. Haha on them. And yet...it was kind of sad too.

On Monday I saw X2. Super awesome!!! I can’t wait for X3 to come out…I just know it. PHOENIX SAGA! And I got sick too. = ( Apparently I wasn’t the only one, Kat seems to have gotten sick as well. Being sick is not a fun thing, I realized.

What do YOU think??
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Man, now that AP's are over and yearbooks out, I feel all reflective now. So I'm going to give a bloggerized final few words to my oh so wonderful readers.

When I first made this, I didn't really want to. I've always wanted to be unique, and not join the masses in fads unless the fads were actually worthwhile. I eventually succumbed to my peers, and so my initial purpose was to connect myself to people, anyone really. I would ramble about my day (which I now find boring. Who wants to read a personal schedule??), but I had a separate secondary blog for super deep thoughts. Well, ends up no one clicked on the pure nard link, so I finally decided to bring out the deepness onto the Justin Chronicles. And looking back on it, this blog is truly a Chronicle of what I've gone through. The newly defined purpose of this blog was to create an open and clear window into my mind/emotions for people, if they so wanted or cared, to witness who Justin was beyond his glasses and messy hair you see at school. I didn't spam my link; it was in my AIM profile, and those who bothered to check it found me out. I didn't want people to feel obligated to read it, those who want to read will read it. Although I am somewhat disappointed in the people who I figured in the beginning would read my page but apparently either 1) Know I have a site, but don't bother to read me or 2) don't know I have a site, it's okay. I am grateful for the few who actually do read and sign my guestbook. You people are great. You've witnessed inner parts of me that I don't externally express at school.

I wanted to be different with my blog. Knowing I wouldn't attract people by the masses, I wanted to real and open and I guess be an example to those who read it. In the darkness, I wanted to be the light. In despair, I wanted to be hope. In negativity, I would be positive. Not trying to inflate myself or anything, but I wanted to make a positive impact to those reading my material. Kat, Steph, and Alice, I hope you all found my stuff deep, insightful, thought provoking. Hard to believe, but Justin actually does get sad/distressed at rare occasions. Although it seems pretty lame, I'm glad this website has made us more comfortable around each other and with our faith. Ever hear the phrase "Everyone needs a Paul and a Timothy"? A Paul would be an elder mentor, while a Timothy would be a prospective student. Kind of like Yoda and Luke Skywalker. I've got my Paul at church, but I thought it would be awesome if somehow I could be a Paul to someone at school (if not a Paul, at least an equal). I look around at school, searching for an "ally", so to speak, someone who I can talk to or someone who's got my back in the school zone of spiritual warfare, and I think I've found several. It's weird how I can so easily bond with classmates who live by the Word…there's just something intriguing about them. Linda, I don't know if you understand even half of my God-related stuff on here, but it is my hope that one day you would fully understand how real God is. I know Jonathan has dropped by at least once or twice, and I'm glad he's found my material worthy to be mentioned in his own blog. Supposedly, I have two readers in Las Vegas who were hooked by my relationship posts. Well, glad I helped them get into a guy's head about these matters. Quentin has dropped by once or twice also, thanks for signing my guestbook.

My big yearbook entry for all, in my blog. I prewrite this stuff on Microsoft Word, and the words website, guestbook, and blog are all considered misspelled. Pretty funny stuff, this thing is 7 years old.

What do YOU think??
Monday, May 19, 2003
HEY FATTY McFAT FAT!!!! Me, a pimp?? Hardly. WE both know that I greatly lack the womanizing abilities that those super suave W guys have. Happy Nard to you too. Hey, I read your Word page and XANGA too. See you around in the summer. Speaking of which...

EVERYONE GO TO CAMP IMPACT JULY 18-22. I am sooo excited about it. If you don't get a registration brochure from me or someone else, punch me, and I'll get you one.


Oh, and I'm gonna come up with something nice and reflective of the whole year soon...like a universal yearbook entry.

What do YOU think??
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Lala...as you may have noticed, I was impressed by everyone's appearance at prom.

Courtesy of partypics, one more picture of me (too bad I didn't know the camera guy was taking the picture)

These pics are only good for another 27 days before partypics takes them down. Better save them on my comptuer.

What do YOU think??
I forgot about Linda!! She didn't go to prom this year. Okay, just for her, I'll give a quick recap.

4:30 - Chillin' at my computer, waiting to get dressed, and a car honks outside my house. Naturally, I freak out because I hadn't even started on my hair. Turns out to be a false alarm.

5:15 - Hair gelled, all dressed, and two beautiful ladies (pictured below) pick me up :) . After 45 minutes of traffic and detours, we end up at Maggianos.

6:30 - Everyone finally arrives @ Maggianos. Truly and honestly, all the ladies could not have been more pretty. Guys in tuxes are always spiffy. The food was SO GOOD!!! My favorites were the fried kalamari and salmon. THE SALMON!!! It was soo tender, I don't even think you could have picked it up with chopsticks without it falling apart. Quentin and I were the pigs of the table, but eventually we filled up. After dinner and picture takings, the guys and dolls went to Oshmans. HAHa, that was pretty hilarious. Prom dresses and tuxes at a sports store.

9:00 - Prom. Good music. Bad food. Finally saw some of the other dinner groups, and they looked gorgeous as well. Danced with …
My date Katherine, who taught me "salsa" dancing
Chandra, who looked great in her dress and really knew how to dance. REALLY
Ericka, who I thought was the prettiest looking after Katherine ;)
Stephanie N (her dress was so cool. Touching the dress felt so nice, so smooth and slick)
Nadia (she looked so different. Couldn't tell it was her at first)
Alice (Hi Alice!!! I just couldn't NOT give dancewith you, right??)

For the juniors out there, just know that dates for prom serve two functions. 1) Prom picture and 2) Primary dancing partner (and I gots me a good one).

After prom was only okay. I didn't gamble to get more raffle tickets, but I did win an old navy gift card. I owned the bungee cord thing. Sucks that I was too late to sing karaoke. Pizza good, breakfast okay.

What do YOU think??
Monday, May 12, 2003

What do YOU think??
Sunday, May 11, 2003
OKay, since all of my beloved readers went to prom, details won't really be needed. Just gotta remember (for myself)Maggiano's has the best salmon, and QUentin and I were the pigs of our group. DAnced with the ladiesI wanted to dance with. Won an old navy gift card.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I wonder if anyone reads this. Oh well. A big thanks to Katherine Zodrow for being such a wonderful prom date!! It was fun.

weee. I'm out

What do YOU think??
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Inside joke of the day: Granny Smith.

:) Just can't help myself.

What do YOU think??
Friday, May 02, 2003

Okay...compose yourself. Okay? okay.

I go to Houston Chinese Church. Our youth group 6-12 grade is about 100-120. Our youth director is Jason Tarn, and HE HAS A XANGA!!!. You think I go deep? Jason is so much more a man than I am...I bet he's gonna go WAY deep.

Okay...all is well.

What do YOU think??
Thursday, May 01, 2003
Wow…For the first time in a long time I've had multiple (two or three) "real" AIM convos in within a week. It was actually weird at first because when the window popped up my mind sort of froze. You know that awkward feeling when someone says "hey" and you say "hey" back, but you have nothing significant worth discussing, so the convo sort of fizzles? I fear that, which is partially why I don't talk much online (along with my fluctuating online hours). It had been so long I almost forgot how to not end up with a "fizzled" convo. For me, AIM is to be there for someone who is in need, not for me to spontaneously ask people "wssup" and chit-chat for only 3 minutes because the other person didn't feel like talking.

Okay, onto other matters…as you guys may or may not know, I'm the violin guy in the Jazz combo, and we've had several courtyard performances. Something I find oddly funny is that every time a couple or a trio of people from my lunch group wander off together and I can see them meander in my direction, but they probably don't realize that I'm the guy jazzin' it up on the strings. So they're chatting, oblivious to who's playing the music, and I'm sitting, playing, and staring at them talk, just wondering what was so important that they left the group. Funny…

I'm sort of leap frogging in my topics here. The issue of friendship seems to have arisen yet again. Oh wait, before I go on, I want to confess that I totally suck at translating my thoughts into words. It's so clear in my head, but once I type them into words, the thing I'm trying to convey always ends up .. not right and offensive. And I mean always. I spend a lot of time thinking how I should phrase everything so I could be more tactful and not offend anyone. I've been burned enough times to know that I have to be gentle and thoughtful in my words. Okay, back to friends. What to do with friends you've lost touch with? Much previously, I had a super selfless mentality of it, like keep giving without regard to whether they will give back . Well, my thoughts have been modified slightly. Still be selfless, caring, and sacrificial as a good friend would (even when the favor isn't returned), but don't push yourself to the limit that your mind rips apart, and you're overcome by it. I'm not saying to totally deny everyone who comes your way, but you have to know your own limits of how much sacrifice you can make for others before your own life is severely affected.

For example, I just can't answer "no" to anyone. If anyone anytime needs help, I would most likely drop everything without thinking just to help out the person. But sometimes the help someone needs is too much for me to provide, but since I don't want to hurt the person's feelings and be selfish I often say "yes" and dig myself into a hole too deep for me to get out, thus screwing up my own plans (for ex, prom dates - it was really hard for me to say no to someone). You have to know your limits. Sometimes you just have to say "I'm sorry, I can't", and in the same way, some friends you'll eventually have to let go. That's what I mean by selfless. Make the appropriate sacrifices. (of course, what's "appropriate" is on a case by case basis)

La dee da…I dislike it when I sound all preachy. Because once it sounds preachy, it is inherent there is a "holier than thou" pride, and that's something I try to avoid at all costs. I am nowhere near the man I want to be, but my main goal of this blog is to make it glorifying to God alone, and definitely not boost myself. I will try to boast in my weaknesses alone, and not exalt myself.

Speaking of God's glory, Johnny is totally on the mark. His strive for purity is so... refreshing. Mad props to him. A male adolescent desiring not to be lustful is like a fat kid trying not to be out playing dodgeball. I like Johnny's approach to dancing

One last thing: I’m due for an eye checkup. Should I get better glasses, or get some contacts? Give me your thoughts, all *counts on one hand* 5 of you.

P.S. Steph, sorry about the it thing. Wish I could have helped.

What do YOU think??