Justin Chronicles |
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Copy, paste, POST & PUBLISH! Yeah, I know that bad things happen so that we would appreciate the good times ever more. "No rainbow without rain" as one person has said it. But the thing is that in the past, "bad things" were usually comprised of poor grades, shaky friendships, or something of the mental/emotional realm of pain. I think this is the first time I've considered physical pain as God's way of bringing me back to him, because up until now, I'd rarely injured myself badly, and whenever I had, I thought of it more of a random tough luck factor and not a "I'm getting what I deserve" type of thing. Its just that this time the circumstances were heavily favorable for my mom to say something along the line of "This is just to show you to listen to me and just go swimming with your brother". Before you guys think I'm loony (Ha, probably too late), I'm usually not so, for lack of better words, "God-fearing". If I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and my clock says 3:16 or 3:23…it's probably not a sign from God. Hey Kat, there's something about your guestbook entry that really makes me want to scratch my head, and I can't really explain it. First and foremost, you used the term "free will", and that right there can stir things up. Most of the HCC counselors try to avoid the free will vs. predestination topic, simply saying there are Bible verses that support both views. And then I remember something in Romans that speaks of God foreknowing things…and so yeah, this gets pretty crazy. But quoting the big head himself Jason (he really does have a large-sized cranium), God is sovereign and God is good. And as for my own personal teenage non-seminary schooled view point of God, I think God is infinite, and he allows us to have free will, so for whatever infinitely possible courses our life could take based on our free will, God has that number perfect plans for each course. It think it's sort of a hybrid mix of free will and God's will. One thing I am sure of is that no one will know 100% because if somehow man completely understands the infinite nature of God, God will brushed aside as one more thing man has figured out, so no longer will man need to seek God, and it may be a long shot, but God just might be smart enough to not let that happen. And what's the deal with the italicized "this" life? I thought there was just life on earth with heaven right after. Or maybe I'm just missing something. The other head-scratcher is your question whether God blesses us if we're being "good". Even though I think you're right when you say that God really wouldn't punish us intentionally, I also think that He does bless those who do "good". Can't really recall a specific verse that supports this, but somewhere in the Bible (Proverbs?) it talks about God granting wisdom to those who genuinely seek it. Jesus was blessing all sorts of people back in the day, as long as they or even their friends had faith that He could bless them if He was willing to. God's will / God's plan for us may be hard to grasp, but speaking from personal experience, it really is perfect. It may not seems so awesome at the time (especially at the low low times), but after waiting for time to pass, you suddenly see the bigger picture and realize how awesome it is. For me, looking back, I have seen why God had done things that seemed terrible at the time it happened. Why I went to ghetto Pershing. Why I did majorly majorly bad in Spanish 3. Why peers suddenly went guy/girl crazy junior year. Even last week's sprained ankle, seeming to be more and more coincidental, has made me think and type up all these thoughts. And then there are some things that seemed sort of neutral but sprouted into something BIG. Orchestra has done wonders. This blog has done wonders. Going to Camp Impact has paid HUGE and unimaginable dividends. Taking choir senior year (in spite of my mom's discouragement) has done wonders. Almost done here. Now on the topic of "divine intervention", Friday was pre-camp rally. During worship, the electricity went out. One second, the speakers were blasting the voices from microphones and electric guitars, and the next second the speakers don't work anymore. Something I found encouraging was that the team kept going, and it just totally reinforced the fact that true worship doesn't even need electricity. During that 7 minute period stripped of electricity, worship became more real, and less hype, for myself at least. Sign from God? Possibly. Camp Impact registration deadline without paying a $15 late fee: T-minus 14 days. Your going is highly suggested. Be A Part of Something Bigger. What do YOU think?? Monday, June 16, 2003
For once, I'm writing this on the IE and not MS Word. Yay, SPURS up the Nets and win. I've always liked David Robinson, and here's why. There was also Robinson the different kind of athlete. The one who attended the U.S. Naval Academy, served a two-year hitch in the military after graduation and always was the officer and the gentleman. He quoted Scripture. He talked openly about his religious beliefs. Other professional athletes chased women and cars and fame; he has always pursued higher things. Like trying to make the world a better place to live by contributing his money and his time to the community. "I've been inspired by David Robinson," said first-year Spur Stephen Jackson. "I spent a year around him and he taught me how to be a man." Can you get a higher compliment? And another thing that has been really bugging me, like consuming my energy to figure it out. Do you guys think God punishes those who aren't in line or in check?? When something bad happens to somone, they would say something like "oh, this must be God punishing for doing xoxox for so long", and I'm thinking whether that's true or not. I know God is a God of both love and wrath, but is He wrathful enough to throw speedbumps in life to get our attention? Okay, so it was Wednesday evening, and my family were going to the gym. My mom was bugging me and bugging me about going swimming as my exercise, and I kept saying that basketball would be my form of exercise, so we were both a little bit stand-off-ish. So I'm playing ball, and the guys fakes me, I jump, he sort of clips under me, so now I'm flipping in the air. I'm flipping and falling, so I do a little handstand to prevent my neck from snapping in two, but the rotational momentum (big words) carries my legs/feet down, and I turn my ankle. Although my mom wasn't totally rubbing it in on the way home, it was one of those "I told you so " kind of deals. That night, I seriously couldn't sleep for an hour because the ankle actually hurt, and I spent most of that time thinking about what happened. I had not exactly been abiding in Him the best way I could, so was that God's wake up call? I'm still trying to figure it out. Basically, I'm trying to discern whether this is God's form of disciplinary action (I don't think punishment is the right term anymore), or God had no hand in it. Or maybe its one of those things where God doesn't cause it, but He knows its coming and allows it to happena nyways? (See, I can seriously give myself headaches given enough time to think all out). ANother thing. HCC has been doing a sermon series on the Sermon on the mount. Right now we started Chapter 6, and the basic theme is the discipline of secrecy. Today, we actually had the worship team behind the youth instead of in front of them so that their presence wouldn't be a distraction to us (which I think is a great idea). So Jason threw out the question of why we do things? Do we do it for the sake of receiving applause from man (like the pharisees/scribes), or in secret where God is our primary audience? I then cross apply to all those bloggers out there. Why do we do this? Why do I do this? The tough part of answering that question is that part of the act of glorifying God through online sharing and fellowship comes with the inherent attention it gathers from the online audience, and then suddenly pride comes into play. Because I can easily start making up stories or borrowing a friend's testimony here and basically say things that boost my appearance and yet its all fake. This blog thing is a dangerous thing. "With great power comes great responsibility" says Spiderman. Its true. Especially when blogging these types of things, falsifying claims is a very dangerous trap. Jason can do it easily because being a leader and drawing attention is part of his job description. As for me...it's a gray area which I'm trying to figure uot. What do YOU think?? Friday, June 13, 2003
What do YOU think?? Wednesday, June 11, 2003
In an attempt to not repeat what I've earlier said in regards to this topic, I will try to give my input to Johnny's letter. Things that must be understood: At Camp Impact there are numerous workshops to take. He and I both took the X-Men workshop, where we learned that the two main sins guys struggle with are pride and lust. The lust topic apparently hit home with Johnny. Also at Impact, you're in a small group of all guys or all girls with a counselor, and the group just debriefs about the day. I was in Johnny's small group too, and our counselor was just married, maybe 2 months into it. Trust me when I say this, but girls are a HUGE topic of discussion among the guys at Impact. Last year a couple girls were talking with the speaker after service about relationships, and after 20 minutes passed, a whole crowd gathered. Basically, whenever counselors talk about relationship, they automatically turn into Jesus; the youth are thirsting for wisdom in this area. Well anyway, we both learned something last year and were hugely touched and changed and Impacted us. The relationship with God takes priority over every other relationship, including those with girls. If you can't handle yours with God, the chances of having a mature one with a girl is zero. Lust is a sin of the heart. Something our counselor told us was that after he was married he and his wife were talking, and the conversation somehow shifted so that he came completely clean about his past (and present) struggle with lust. You know what happened? She started crying. Crying. Crying. The love of his life was crying and it was about him and there was nothing he could do about it. That totally hit home to all the guys. I've seen friends cry, and it sucks. I've seen the girl(s) I've liked before cry, and it is even more saddening, hurtful, distressing, almost enraging. So I'm imagining my future wife hurt, crying because of my thoughts and my actions growing up…and it's convicting. Compelling. For Johnny and I both, I think we're both like "there is NO way I'm gonna allow that to happen if I can help it". As youth, relationships with girls are dangerous for they can cause the relationship with God to suffer as well as future pain for the future true love. Okay, so that's the background info on Johnny's post (as well as a good sell for Camp Impact). There is so much to learn at Camp Impact, everyone should go. Now back to my input. The whole letter was nice. Liking a girl but not going out with her because you know its not going to work out for the best and yet still trying to maintain a "we're just friends" friendship…I know what that's like. Can be very stressing on your heart, can easily drive you crazy. As for his afterthought: Guys going to church for girls? I don't know, that seems to be a stretch there (at least for my youth group). Maybe its just WHCC guys, they're just girl crazy. And I have no clue how to consciously or subconsciously hit in a girl. Haha, maybe I'm just weird. And not going to a dance with the girl I like?? Don't really understand the full logic of it…but I'm sure it is sound. If Jason Tarn advises that, then I'd follow it too. And yes, he is pimp, buff, wise, charming, and he is the boyfriend of the very cute Theresa Fong. I agree with the advice of being Mr. Perfect before pursuing Mrs. Perfect. And the last paragraph is true. All of it. Wow. it's been two weeks and then I bust out with this. What do YOU think?? Monday, June 09, 2003
*sniff* This is so moving. click! It's somewhat long, but I think it would be good to read every word. I can so relate to Johnny. So cool. His strive for wisdom is unparalleled. He does a very decent job too...very clear in his words. What do YOU think?? |
Please Read This: Justin's View on Relationships (Written by a friend) Justin® song of the week: Ultimate Cheeseburger Yao Ming Song Leisure listening: KSBJ Reading Selections: My Fellow Longhorns: WeiLi Johnny Christine Oren Nathan Sam Rose ChuMonster Alex Jake Jonathan My Beloved Owls: aida freak Steph Allen JASON!!!! stones and fire Jonathan Sam My Other Collegiates: Justin the Other Albert FireStones Keith CollegeNet Natasha My younger High Schoolers: Jason, the Leader Cindy fat can Ninja Linda Jesse AudioFreakJames Christine My Sis Little Brother Alice there's probably more, I just got a bit lazy. |