Justin Chronicles |
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
What do YOU think?? Tuesday, December 23, 2003
wow. I'm fat. Maybe I can cook better with the fat. You don't ever see any skinny chef's on TV with their on shows, do you?? Now that I'm home, I have so much free time. All I do now is play computer, cook, play piano, and most of all, I end up thinking. And we all know what happens when I think too much. I end up with crazy ideas. For example, the idea of my switching of majors from electrical engineering to jazz performance on the violin is beginning to tickle my imagination more and more. Everyone says my brain pattern is different than everyone else in terms of music...but is it sooo different that I have a legitimate chance to be a pioneer in jazz music??? Ice skating on Friday was fun. Sunday was fun as well. This Saturday better be fun. sleepy tired. What do YOU think?? Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Haha. Funny. During thanksgiving break I gave Kat a call and left a message. Bugerking3: so when is your last final? weirdwoodchuck: scheduled: friday weirdwoodchuck: i have a take home that's due wednesday weirdwoodchuck: along with a project weirdwoodchuck: i hope to have them done by the end of that weekend weirdwoodchuck: but that might be pushing it Bugerking3: I think i'll be back in town by monday evening weirdwoodchuck: awesome weirdwoodchuck: i checked my messages for the first time since thanksgiving weirdwoodchuck: i was confused weirdwoodchuck: and thought you were in town again Bugerking3: ?? Bugerking3: haha Bugerking3: ohyeah weirdwoodchuck: i think i scared sam Bugerking3: how so?? Bugerking3: you wandered into his room? Bugerking3: yelling my name?? weirdwoodchuck: no weirdwoodchuck: it wasn't that bad Bugerking3: darn Bugerking3: no fun in that weirdwoodchuck: haha weirdwoodchuck: me wandering up and down the third floor hall (people there already think i'm nuts) screaming the name of someone that's a hundred miles away Bugerking3: hahaa Bugerking3: you're a dork Bugerking3: so when did this lovely incident occur? weirdwoodchuck: last night Bugerking3: you thought i was in town last night?? Bugerking3: a fine, fine Rice graduate you will be some day weirdwoodchuck: someday weirdwoodchuck: i though it was somewhat weird Bugerking3: yes...that should have occurred to you the minute you checked your phone weirdwoodchuck: i really should start deleting my messages weirdwoodchuck: i think that would solve the problem Bugerking3: yes, that would definitely reduce the level of your dork-meter weirdwoodchuck: yay!! What do YOU think?? Monday, December 08, 2003
This is the most beautiful paragraph I have ever read in the past semester. Sure beats voltages, current, partial derivatives, 001011110110111, and even text about jazz music. Some Final Thoughts: Be as brave as Achilles, as loyal as Hector, and as dedicated as Aeneas. Walk conscientiously the stright road of life so you never awake to find yourself in a dark wood of confusion and regret, heading for the Inferno. But if you do, remember there's a way out - it depends on you. Remember what Creon and Antigone learned: fate does not rule your destiny; you make your own choices, and in the end you must take responsibility for them. Remember what Lear learned: love is not measured by words or money, and Daisy Miller: appearances do count. Discover the dark places of your own heart so you can triumph over them. Don't, like Sethe, dwell on what is past and can't be changed. Exorcise your ghosts and get on with it. Value hard work and tradition as Okonkwo did, but remember what Achebe taught us: compromise and tolerance are important to man and to society. And finally, don't, like Ivan Ilyich, waste your life in striving only for that which is pleasant and proper. Be instead, like Robert Frost, a swinger of birches. Climb the black branches up a snow white trunk toward heaven, but remember that "earth's the right place for love." Franceane Bunner even though I know only half of those characters (knowing only half-well), Ms. Bunner must have been the best English teacher to compose with such eloquence a beautiful quote. What do YOU think?? Saturday, December 06, 2003
What do YOU think?? Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Holy moly sweetly merciful, this is the coolest thing I've read. This entry will be a bit different from the previous ones. This one is based off of my observations of the things around me, and how I can hopefully apply that into my life. So many of you, or some of you, may know that I like to feed the squirrels. I actually do this quite often, usually after class, and heading back to the dorm. Now there is actually much to be learned from feeding the squirrels, I have come to find out. My first observation is that they are all different. and react differently to my offering them sunflower seeds. Some are very aggressive, and will come right up to me, and in one instance, even crawled up my leg (I was wearing jeans) and ate out of my hand. Others are extremely timid, and I end up chasing them around trying to feed them. My comparison may sound extremely conceited, but please bare with me. The way I relate this to my life, is I consider the squirrels to be like humans in this scenario, and myself, the feeder, to be God. As much as I like to compare myself with God, the primary focus of this entry will be on the response of the squirrels (us) to the feeder (God). Just to establish the function of the feeder in the analogy, is merely to feed, and has an abundance of seeds (a 1 lb bag in my case). And again, the focus of this entry will be on the response of the squirrels. To accompany the first observation, I relate it to how we initially respond to God. There are some of us that are very gung-ho about it, and immediately trust and give all that they are. But then, I think the majority of us are much more cautious. We like to test the waters, be like Nemo’s dad from “Finding Nemo” going out of their home to go out then back in, then back out, back in, etc. Many of us are cautious, and for what seems to be good reason, safety, comfort, knowledge. We feel we know our surroundings, and don’t want to change the fact that there may be something out there that we don’t know, that is beyond our power or our comprehension. Many of us also act like the squirrels, busying themselves with finding food, playing around, finding other squirrels, etc. When all the time there is a person there more than willing to feed you more than you can ever imagine. I mean, to have a one-pound bag of sunflower seeds for an animal that probably doesn’t even weigh a pound, that is a lot of food. This brings me to my next observation. Two squirrels find it extremely difficult, if not impossible to feed out of the same hand of food. If there are even two squirrels that are willing to accept the food from the feeder, the two squirrels bicker and fight. Eventually one usually wins over and takes all the food. Now when this happens, I still give the food to the triumphant squirrel, but I also put seed in my other hand and try to give it to the other squirrel on the other side of my body so that they hopefully won’t fight. The way I relate this spiritually, is that even when we are beat down by other Christians who try to hoard God’s blessings towards us, that God will not say ‘oh, that’s it, that’s all I have’, but He will graciously extend and grant more and more blessings towards us if we are willing to push beyond the pressure of others around us, and still come to Him humble, and merely in need of His presence and love towards us. God’s love is not conditional (even though my love towards squirrels may be…) and He will never fail to take us back and extend grace towards us. Sometimes I go even when it is cold and raining and wait for the squirrels to find me. I don’t do this often, only when I have the free time, but I think this can also be related spiritually. God will pursue us no matter the circumstances and will try to find us, but it will be up to us to go to Him, and accept. Unlike my only going out when convenient for me, God goes out all the time, constantly looking for people to respond to His offer. His offer is unconditional, and always available if we look hard enough. We may feel like we are in the coldest of moments, in the hardest of trials, or in the deepest of sins, but God is right there along with us, pursuing us, and giving us hope of something grand. My last observation: the squirrels have to recognize the feeder. The squirrels can’t just go up to random people and expect to get food. But don’t we do this all the time? Looking for comfort in others, boyfriends, girlfriends, just friends, or family? We look towards money and prosperity to make us think we are satisfied. We look towards achievements and accolades to keep us going. We find anything we can sometimes to keep us from acknowledging that we need the true feeder, that we need God. But only when we come to a fuller knowledge of God do we begin to trust in Him, and begin to respond properly to Him. Only after we know who the feeder is, are we able to discern Him from the other people and distractions out there for us, and are able to feed from His hand. Many of us stop there though, but as a true response to the feeder, we need to tell others about Him. When we see our brothers and sisters longing to fill their lives with the distractions, and constantly upset by the lack of fulfillment, do we just stand and laugh, hoping they will not find the true feeder so that we can eat more? NO. We need to learn to comfort others and guide them towards that which gives us strength. Not that we did it by ourselves, but that we are enabled by the one giving us food and strength. We cannot allow our brothers and sisters to go hungry looking for food their own way in ignorance. But on the flip side, we can’t push and ‘bite’ them to where they have no choice but to come to the feeder. Instead we need to encourage, and show them the way, show them something they long for and need, and direct them towards the feeder, be transparent and allow God to use us and point others towards Him. I know that my analogy is flawed in many respects, but please understand that this was from squirrels, and it is a bit difficult, albeit fun. May we learn to know the feeder, to trust in Him, to respond to him, and to bring others to know Him. Written by a guy named melvin fong. What do YOU think?? |
Please Read This: Justin's View on Relationships (Written by a friend) Justin® song of the week: Ultimate Cheeseburger Yao Ming Song Leisure listening: KSBJ Reading Selections: My Fellow Longhorns: WeiLi Johnny Christine Oren Nathan Sam Rose ChuMonster Alex Jake Jonathan My Beloved Owls: aida freak Steph Allen JASON!!!! stones and fire Jonathan Sam My Other Collegiates: Justin the Other Albert FireStones Keith CollegeNet Natasha My younger High Schoolers: Jason, the Leader Cindy fat can Ninja Linda Jesse AudioFreakJames Christine My Sis Little Brother Alice there's probably more, I just got a bit lazy. |