Justin Chronicles |
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Don't become friends with people too popular. To them you're disposable and you won't be missed. ~ Sam Feng. Found this in his profile...and when you come to think of it...it's so very true. Really. I'm not gonna go deep this time, but you guys should have some idea of where I stand here...and I'm asking you guys to just think about this statement. It may come very useful in college. Ever feel like you've been disposed of?? What do YOU think?? Friday, April 25, 2003
YOu guys remember my friend Johnny? I had just read his site for the first time in months, and I must say this guy is truly representin' God. Big time. An exceprt from his March 10th entry that I feel is appropriate in here as well. Disclaimer: Fast Forward...J Lin= Sinner: lustful, prideful, and selfish. Anyone reading this please don't take my entries as if im preaching or trying to act "Godly" or "Holy." I have many flaws and fallen short from the glory of God. My entries are my own personal diary to remind me what've i learned so i may stop acting the way i shouldn't be, and if people wanna read thats fine. But please dont think im trying to shove my agenda down your throat. If you do think that, i believe thats your own personal guilt trying to tell you something. I have taken a hiatus from Xanga because i realized my posts weren't glorifying to God, which was my initial reason for even starting one. Life comes down to just two things: That's to know Jesus and to make him known. So from this day forth...Being Johnny Lin = God's Glory. Let the persecution/"comments" come. Man, the thing about Bellaire is that we don't get persecuted at all. That's good, but also pretty bad in a way. We haven't been tested at all. Except for Sam and maybe Albert calling me "Jesus", that's pretty much it for persecution. Well, anyways, skim through his site from march 10 on, it's pretty good. Get into the head of a descent man representin'. What do YOU think?? Hmmm…it's been a while since I've been here. Time for a real quick catch-up of what's been happenin' the past couple weeks. New Orleans trip = fun. Lots of food, shopping, walking. I liked it a lot. Sorry, no details this time. Orchestra courtyard concert went surprisingly well. I saw more Asian people than tree people, so That was a good sign. I had my shades, the wind was blowing, all in all a descent performance. This past four-day weekend was a blast. I got to cook a couple lunch and dinners for the family (which I haven't done in ages). I like cooking. Cooking is my friend. So is eating. I cooked this nice chicken soup (with raw chicken meat and bones, none of that canned stuff) and it tasted really good. Also cooked this Chinese sticky rice dish, which was sort of like fried rice except the rice sticks together, and there's more soy sauce and other goodies in it. Much better than the restaurants, I must say. If you guys want recipes, ask me! Easter Sunday was good for me, I guess. Read a couple blog entries already about how they didn't have that "Easter spirit", if there is such a thing. I am glad to know that people do care about their mental/spiritual readiness for the most significant holiday on the Christian calendar, but does it really matter? Oh wait, let me rephrase that question: Is your heart not prepared if you don't feel the "warm tinglies" you expect to feel? Yes, Easter commemorates a very life-changing, life-saving event, but just because you don't "feel" it doesn't necessarily mean there's a lack of faith involved. For instance, I didn't completely tear up with sadness on Friday, nor did I tear up with joy on Sunday, but I know that I have faith. Faith isn't an emotion, isn't knowledge, isn't an experience, but faith to me is "the facilitator of human to holy" <------- (straight from my notes. Pretty good, huh?) I can write a whole bunch more about faith, but I think I'll stop right there. Just felt like giving some feedback as to the slight "sadness" that people thought they were having just because they weren't "into" it enough. ----------------------------------------------- I like blogging. It serves as a useful outlet for me to express my spiritual/religious thoughts that I wouldn't be able to share at school. Not that I'm ashamed or uncomfortable discussing such topics, its just that I can never steer the conversations toward these areas. A question I think I'll just throw out there for the sake of discussion. I've always wondered whether the differences in Catholicism and Protestantism (differences that I have very little insight about) makes any difference to God. Okay, now for the less serious, and much more comical stuff. Ends with a 'M', starts with a 'P', and has a backwards "or" in the middle. The dateless blunders of our senior class (myself included, for now) are behaving quite amusingly as of late. Getting desperate for dates (which we all know is just as important as … going deer hunting with an accordian), and I'm just sitting back and smiling. Yours truly seems to be creating a bit of chatter out there in the social world (which is a FIRST (really, I think it is a first (what's with all these parenthesis within (parenthesis) (reminds me of stream of conciousness ( I'm hungry, I'm funny, AND funny looking)))). My name has popped up on the social radar screen I think. Word has it that Justin Lin, man of mystery, is currently without a prom date. To set the public record straight, after my first prospect was intercepted by another, and after I'd decided that my second choice wasn't really worth the trouble of securing, I decided to sit back, relax, and take my good ol' sweet time and relish my time as one of a few guys still up for grabs. ***page break*** The show I've witnessed was hilarious. It all started about a week ago. First, my mom, with whom I don't discuss girl stuff, asks whether I have a date or not to prom. I say no, and then she suggests that I go with ----- --, the same ----- -- who she thought I should have also taken to Red and White. Fill in the blanks, and for an extra hint, she likes this girl so much she said she would happily pay the $25 for her to go with me. o_O Second, people all around have been dropping hints here and there, everywhere, as to who I should ask. I unfortunately said no to a very fine lady who I thought already had a prom date secured, and then EVERYONE makes this "huge" deal about asking "Why not, Why not, Why not" and whatnot (yes, I do realize its all in good fun). Then today, during lunch, some girl I know of suggests out of the blue that I should go with Anushree, WHICH I also thought was pretty funny. Out of nowhere, "justin, do you have a prom date?" "no" "you should go with anushree" yeah, the time is coming soon, I was hoping not to show my hand until the last moment (hey, I like playing it cool, calm, collected, unfazed, and I like the suspense others feel), but I think I let the cat out of the bag a little too early to a person or two, so my enjoyable show is almost over. Why do I post this stuff at 1 or 2 in the morning? One phone line, one procrastinating younger brother, one chatty younger sister, one dad who believes internet is only good for news and research, and I possess the slowest computer of the house, so slow I had to disable animation, sounds, videos, and pictures. On the plus side, the infamous "stephanie" hasn't left a note in my guestbook yet, and disabled pics mean I won't get in trouble for anything. : ) What do YOU think?? Wednesday, April 23, 2003
I promise, I'll update within the next two days. A couple dates to shout out. May 2 - Friday - Larissa Lam in Concert @ Houston Chinese Church. Free evangelistic concert, so GO!!! July 18-22 - CAMP IMPACT - No way any of you guys are missing out on this. I don't care if you're Asian, polish, or some mix inbetween, you WILL keep that date clear for Camp Impact. DO IT!!! What do YOU think?? Friday, April 04, 2003
Fat Can wrote this one. Mad props to her. Short, concise, and articulate. I guess I just wanted to jot down some things that have been going through my mind regarding what I believe in and faith. Maybe just to keep this on file just in case I feel directionless one day. What kind of faith breaks the hardest of hearts. What kind of ‘religion’ gives people a joy that never diminishes, a love that never fails, an incomprehensible strength. Is there any ‘religion’ that makes a convict, charged for killing so many people, repent and make a 180 in his life even though he’s on death row?.. a religion that gives men and women the courage and the audacity to hold bible studies in their houses, risking torture and death if caught? If you ask me, I don’t think any ‘religion’ could ever have that kind of impact. It’s a relationship…a relationship with the Father that compels these people to change their hearts, to follow Him with a perseverance that seems not diminishable. It seems like the umbrella of ‘Christianity’ has long covered a mass of people that are not unified, that do not all share the same belief. There’s so much more to Christianity than just following some rules, sitting in service on Sundays and being an overall good person. Our main goal in life is to experience the greatness of God’s love for us through Christ’s crucifixion, and then tell people about it out of genuine concern and compassion. I feel like some Christians, including myself, have lost the compassion for ones who are not saved. I guess I realized it’s not our job to scare people into believing in God just so they can go to heaven. It’s to show them that God’s heart is for them to be wedded to Christ… for them to taste His goodness.. delight in His riches. As for the many questions that don’t seem to be capable of answering, have faith. Faith is not by any means a scapegoat for all the things that we can not explain, but trusting that God intended the best outcome through everything He did, everything He’s done so far, as well as things He will do. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of MANY kinds, because you know that the TESTING OF YOUR FAITH develops PERSEVERANCE. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” So I guess I jotted down these things to help me think through what exactly gives me a reason for living.. made me remember how sweet love is, but also how disappointing sin is. God is a just God. When we sin, He isn’t happy, but when we sin but repent, His arms open to embrace us, because He truly loves us. There isn’t anything more constant in my life than God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Expect me to elaborate on this in the near future. stuff in bold is what stands out to me What do YOU think?? Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Okay, so after rereading my massive post, I have come to the conclusion that I was either drunk on water or high on fermented tofu. One or the other, I wasn't myself. Although all that I typed up is still true, I think I was just overreacting. Plus, my expectations of people are a bit too high. When I wrote that post, my mentality of who a friend was was a person's whose soul is knit to your soul, sharing an almost inseparable bond. Yeah, obviously that standard is a wee bit overshooting it. I know people like to be recognized and mentioned in people's blogs. For me, I try to give people credit where credit is due, so now A WHOLE PARAGRAPH devoted to Katherine: You're right. A lot of what you said makes sense. You're right, you DO know I'm not Catholic. =) Haha, seriously though, just because I'm uncomfortable sharing specific details with the people around me, that doesn't mean they're not my friends. They are good, decent people, and if I'm ever in a crisis (rare, but not impossible) I'm sure they would do everything in their power to help me out. And…if I'm not mistaken, you've just commented for the first time about God stuff. It's encouraging to know that lent to you is not just some ritual/tradition thing you do once a year, that you know what lent is all about and why you take part in it. Quick note I want to add (from my protestant point of view of course :P) - We shouldn't have to rely on an annual thing (such as lent) to get our spiritual act together. To me, it's something we should be concerned with daily, so when we start falling away from Him, we should fix it then and there, and not rely on lent to turn things around. Yeah, so I got friends, I just had to change my expectations to realize they're more than just acquaintences. Also had to stop overthinking and overanalyzing things. Other related stuff I realized: Brotherhood and sisterhood are very important. Some things are just not meant to be discussed with the other gender. Also, I've discovered one more reason not to date in high school. People change. The friend you know now may be a different person the same time next year, or even YOU may be the one changing. And, I think I've figured out what healthy relationships with girls are like. Not too too close, yet still social and mutually caring. One more thing: Being the recipient of encourage-o-grams, hoopin' with guys afterschool, sharing really really deep stuff with people…it's all so NEW to me…and I LIKE it. AND…for extra clarification - I don't care if I don't get a prom date, I care about keeping my friends. What do YOU think?? |
Please Read This: Justin's View on Relationships (Written by a friend) Justin® song of the week: Ultimate Cheeseburger Yao Ming Song Leisure listening: KSBJ Reading Selections: My Fellow Longhorns: WeiLi Johnny Christine Oren Nathan Sam Rose ChuMonster Alex Jake Jonathan My Beloved Owls: aida freak Steph Allen JASON!!!! stones and fire Jonathan Sam My Other Collegiates: Justin the Other Albert FireStones Keith CollegeNet Natasha My younger High Schoolers: Jason, the Leader Cindy fat can Ninja Linda Jesse AudioFreakJames Christine My Sis Little Brother Alice there's probably more, I just got a bit lazy. |