Justin Chronicles

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Sunday, March 28, 2004
How can I be a guide to my neighbor...

when I can't even be a guide to myself?

What do YOU think??
Thursday, March 25, 2004
I don't think I've advertised my blog in my AIM profile for like... almost a year. 9 months, tops. But it's back, I'm wondering what kind of traffic comes through here.

On a more depressing note, I'm being a very bad steward of my resources.

What do YOU think??
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
this Jeff guy is really insightful.

excerpts include:

Why do you think girls go to the bathroom at the same time?

“All girl bathrooms have a secret portal inside them that leads to a
magical land where chocolate and peanut butter flow like milk and honey, and nobody ever gains any weight. Both girls go for the following reason: One has to tie a rope to the others foot when they enter the portal, so the portal will not close behind them, thus rendering them exiled in this magical land. When night falls, the chocolate turns into lava and the peanut butter into nugget. Obviously if they were stuck there, they would die, and all would not be so happy anymore. Once one is significantly stuffed with chocolate, the girls switch places. I know what you are thinking!!! Why do girls go to the bathroom together at night? Then they go in there and talk about boys. They also make sure that they don’t fall into the portal or the toilet. Sort of a buddy system thing. They also occasionally actually use the restroom. If they didn’t, they’d all explode when they turned fifty!”

“Well, that’s pretty obvious; if you have ever hung out with girls for a long time you will probably notice you can never tell when they take dumps...but if its a guy then its pretty obvious because when they go to the restroom they are gone for like 10 minutes when normally it takes maybe a minute (most guys don't even wash hands, especially in a public restroom)...if a girl has to go "poop", then they get other girls to come with...so if it takes 10 minutes then it won't be obvious...so basically the other girl/girls are covering for them because it makes us think they are just talking about how cool we are and stuff...”

What do YOU think??
"The representation of the general solution of a second order linear homogeneous differential equation as a linear combination of two solutions whose wronskian is not zero is intimately related to the concept of linear independence of two functions."


What do YOU think??
Boys and girls.

What do YOU think??
Sullivan's Steakhouse. 'Nuff said.

It's 2:00 a.m. and I have a diffeq quiz/test in 12 hours, but I feel very motivated to post this.


I saw the Passion on Saturday with my discipleship group. After viewing it, I didn't feel too much, but thought the impact would come later.

It's 3 days later. Still nothing.

Nothing?? How could this be? Jesus is supposed to be my very best friend, and I finally have a visual image of his suffereing for me, for you, for mankind, and yet I feel nothing?

I know that every person is different in that certain things affect some more than others. But still, little tear-jerking, a little tug on the heart strings would have been nice to making me feel a little human. Instead, I feel more like a robotic calculator, in which i see things in 1's and 0's.

Okay, so I did flinch when they were whipping him...but that's it. My expectations of the film was to come out of it teary-eyed crying, thinking, praying "I love God. I love Him, I love Him, I love Him". Instead, I come out critically, asking myself "what was the point of this movie?" All that visual stimulation (it was a lot, i acknowledge that) had no effect. Right after the movie, I had a 70% inclination to just go "okay, so where do you guys want to eat?"

This goes against everything I ever thought my identity was. Something I have been trying to do is to discover what kind of person God created me to be, and I live it. I will live a life as close as God planned it to be, and I will be the man God created me to be, and nothing else.

I thought I was emotional. I thought I had the gift of understanding one's situation, the quality of empathy.


I think I'll just leave this open ended, up in the air.

On a lighter note, Spring break is coming. And with spring break is bundled Lindyfest. I bet it is going to be fun.

***edit*** I guess I'm just more complex than I thought I was. I don't feel like I'm sub-human, but I do feel weirded out that I'm not feeling what the "norm" felt.

What do YOU think??